Course Level: Level 3

Exam Board: Pearson

Specification link: Click to View

Entry requirements: 5 GCSE's Grade 5 and above including GCSE Grade 5 in English and Maths.

T Levels are a new qualification developed in collaboration with employers.

Every T Level includes an industry placement with an employer focused on developing the practical and technical skills required for entry into the construction industry. Placements will last a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days) and take the form of either a block, day release or a mixture of both.

Course Description

This course covers the underpinning knowledge, concepts and skills that support threshold competence in the Construction industry. Learners will develop an array of skills; report writing, construction calculations, technical drawing, digital modelling, presenting and collaborative working.

By opening the door to higher education or employment in the construction, design and surveying sector through employer involvement opportunities we hope to develop learners who have transferable skills development such as case study research, teamwork and client communication. There will be an opportunity for learners to showcase their skills, through practical assessments, the underpinning knowledge and skills needed to meet industry requirements to help close the UK skills gap.

At the end of the course, learners will successfully be able to demonstrate their knowledge of construction, skills and understanding through work-related contexts and employer led projects.

The purpose of this qualification is for learners to know and undertake fundamental surveying, design and planning processes and procedures. Learners will have the opportunity to plan, perform and evaluate their work whilst using a range of materials, methods and techniques.

Course Profile

Career Progression

The course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in construction, specifically in surveying and design, civil engineering, building services design, or hazardous materials surveying.

Job Opportunities

Civil Engineering Technician
Engineering Construction Technician
Technical Surveyor
Architectural Technician
Building Technician
Project Manager