Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
All learners in Years 9-13 are entitled to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities along with information on university choices, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
The National Careers Strategy makes it very clear that ALL young people including those with SEND are to be supported to achieve their optimum career outcome. For young people with SEND, the activities will be differentiated using professional judgement.
To enable us to provide targeted support for our learners with SEND and those with EHC plans, we have developed relationships with specialist organisations and the Supported Internship area of Newham College. We will endeavour to undertake careers focussed interviews and discuss at the annual review from Year 9 with our learners as part of our planning, and introduce options for post 16 and post 18 transition.
Our SENCO, along with the Careers Leader and Vice Principal will work together to co-ordinate measures to support those transitions.
Careers Provision for SEND learners - click here.