LDE UTC is shaped by the following six shared values

Passionate about everything we do

We commit ourselves wholeheartedly to everything we do. We approach our work with enthusiasm, energy and positivity. We do what we do because we love it and this passion shines through.

Reach higher, be better

We are always learning and challenging ourselves and each other, to be the very best we can be. We have the courage to improve the way we work and exceed expectations.

Be respectful and value everyone

We take time to listen to each other and treat people in the way they want to be treated. We are supportive, inclusive and recognise everyone has their own skills and experience to offer. All our family has a voice.

Take care

We look after ourselves, our colleagues and our community. We have a zero compromise approach to health, safety and well-being.

Take ownership

We take responsibility and never walk on by. We are proactive – focusing only on solutions instead of problems.

Be proud, be seen

We celebrate our past, we are proud of what we do today and we are excited about our future. 


Our Vision: “Creating technology and employer-led education that provides learners with the ability to exceed their potential, celebrate their diversity and embrace the opportunities of the 4th industrial revolution”.