Course Level: GCSE
Exam Board: AQA
Specification link: Click to View
Entry requirements: No specific requirements
Watch the following video from the Maths Department which runs our Maths GCSE retake Course:
Course Description
The AQA Level 2 GCSE Maths consists of three externally-examined papers.
Career Pathways
AS and A level Mathematics is a prerequisite for some undergraduate degree courses at University such as Medicine and Economics.
Job Opportunities
The majority of employers look for at least GCSE grade 4/C in each subject, so English and maths skills could be the difference between you getting the job or promotion you want or not. People with good GCSE grades in English and maths also earn approximately £2,000 more than those who don’t.
The majority of university courses look for at least 4/Cs in GCSE English and maths as this shows you have a good understanding of the subjects. Not getting a 4/C in these subjects might limit your chances of getting into university.
It’s impossible to go a day without using English and maths skills, and a good level of understanding means that you can have more control over things like your finances, communication, and you can gain a better understanding of issues such as politics and current affairs.
Studies show that higher levels of literacy and numeracy are linked to better health and a longer lifespan. These skills also have a positive impact on your mental health.
Further Reading
Year 12/13 books for resit GCSE Maths:
New Grade 9-1 GCSE Maths AQA Student Book - Higher (with Online Edition) ISBN 1782949593
New GCSE Maths AQA Complete Revision & Practice: Foundation - Grade 9-1 Course (with Online Edition) ISBN 1782949976
GCSE Mathematics AQA Revision Guide (CGP) ISBN 1782943951
Helpful websites: