Our level 4 apprentices visited the Olympic village to witness all the superstructures and elements they have learnt about in the classroom. We were greeted by Dr Anna Chapman, Head of Service at the London Stadium Learning Centre and given a brief history of the area and she explained her role in continuing the legacy of the Olympic village.
Learners enjoyed a visit to the Aquatic Centre, exploring both inside and outside of the magnificent architectural structure, designed by the world-renowned architect Zara Hadid. Learners recognised substructures and construction techniques and materials used to develop a venue that is both sustainable and adaptable. We were given a tour of the venue and an insight into how water is managed within the building including the systems to reuse rainwater for irrigation and sanitary flushing.
Notably, learners made the long walk to see the velodrome, a simple design yet extraordinary in terms of sustainability sourced materials and environmentally responsible design. A well worth journey to see the ‘Green Gem’.
It was truly a fantastic day evaluating the performance of buildings using assessment areas reviewed in a BREEAM assessment method.