Our year 12 Lego Practitioners took the lead with a session exploring outer space through Lego delivered to students from St. Luke's primary school.
Before the students arrived, our learners were buzzing around the hall organising the learning space, discussing last minute preparations and checking through the LEGO education packs. Shafina gathered her LEGO team together and delivered a motivating speech to get our learners fired up. In this speech she highlighted one key objective of this session – we facilitate these sessions to teach the younger generation of learners how to think not what to think.
Our learners led an exploratory session with ample opportunity for discussion. From speculating what made the dinosaurs extinct to discussing the different manmade and natural objects you might find in space, the primary school students were encouraged to think critically, share their scientific knowledge and stretch their imaginations.
Following discussions related to space, our primary school visitors were let loose on the LEGO kits. Each team, consisting of five members, were tasked to work together and build a spacecraft. Alongside working with their peers, our visitors also enjoyed interacting with the LEGO practitioners who walked around the hall asking questions and offering feedback to enhance each team’s design. Following feedback, the teams were also tasked to modify their designs to combat space junk and debris that can be found in the atmosphere and potentially damage spacecrafts.
At the conclusion of this session, each team elected a spokesperson to stand up and share their innovative spacecraft with the rest of the class. Each spokesperson passionately represented their team's LEGO spacecrafts. Due to the creative freedom our LEGO practitioners facilitated in this session each team had unique models and ideas.
“Since starting the LEGO programme, I feel like I am learning just as much as I am teaching! I have grown in confidence and feel like I am really coming up with more and more creative ideas to get the best out of the primary school students.” Tamima, year 12 LEGO practitioner.
Well done to our LEGO practitioners for facilitating an innovative learning environment by leading this great session!