Design Museum Deliver Sustainable Design workshop. 

On both the year 11 Design and Technology and year 13 Product Design curriculum, planning for production is an integral component. Learners are expected to be able to develop ideas through form and function, use modelling materials to present design development as well as using CAD to develop ideas further.  

To support our learners with these key skills, we enlisted the support of Akvile Terminaite from the Design Museum, who delivered a virtual masterclass exploring these skills through the focus of sustainability.  

The Design Museum is a multifaceted museum, an ever-changing space for the public, industry and education to come together and explore new ideas. 

During the session, learners explored the issue of wastage. Our visitor shared staggering statistics on waste with our learners: The world produces 2 billion metric tons of rubbish each year. With only 15% of waste reclaimed. We are in a Waste Age. 

Akvile explored what we, as designers, can do to combat this issue. Through a range of interactive activities learners explored how design can rethink how we make, buy and use products; better understand materials with sustainability as a key consideration; and think critically about the products we use so we can create better alternatives.  

To conclude the session, learners were tasked with choosing wasteful products and propose design solutions to create an alternative. 

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