Our learner were invited to Morgan Stanley's London office to celebrate the IMPACT volunteer programme. Learners were able to network with Morgan Stanley employers, other learners and volunteers.
Thanks to Morgan Stanley prioritising giving back as a part of their company identity, our learners have benefitted from mentoring, employer led projects and masterclasses all spearheaded by leading professionals. These include sessions with our year 9 project learners, supporting our Computer Science learners with their NEA and taking part in career events. It was a privilege to also be invited to an event celebrating their impact.
Gabriel, one of the learners who had the privileged of attending, reflected on the event: “We went to Morgan Stanley's offices where we spent time getting to know what the employees' responsibilities are on a day-to-day basis. It was very motivational getting to know the work environment and responsibilities in a software development job as it has given me a clearer sense of direction to what I want to pursue in computer science. One employee that I spoke to, Andreea, comes from the same country as me and it was incredibly inspirational hearing about her journey to Morgan Stanley - I feel as if I can now do the same if I work hard to get to where I want to be.”
Morgan Stanley provided valuable support to our learners and an opportunity for learners to discuss pathways to technology careers. They introduced industry standard skills during and inspired our learners by showcasing exciting projects.