Course Level: A LEVEL
Exam Board: AQA
Specification link: Click to View
Entry requirements: 5 GCSE's Grade 6 or above including GCSE Art / Design Technology (or equivalent) – Grade 7
Watch the following video from the Design Department which runs our Art & Design Course:
Course Description
Component 1 60% coursework
Comprised of portfolio of work and developed projects looking at materials from PAINTING/ 3D/ DRAWING/ COLLAGE:
Year 12:
1. Using materials and experimenting (Title given at the beginning of the year relating to DCL theme)
2. Developing own ideas with materials (Title given at the beginning of the project relating to DCL theme)
Year 13:
Continuing project 2 Individual/ self-directed project using the materials, ideas learnt in year 10
Component 2 40% exam:
Year 13: January- April/may
Exam title given to you by the exam board, where a project has to be created and an outcome must be done within a 15hour time frame.
Career Pathways
A Level art can lead onto foundation courses that specialise in specific art genres such as game design/ 3d design/ fine art/animation/ costume design/theatre production/ photography/ graphic and illustration/art therapy.
Level 4 degree courses/Higher Apprenticeships.
Job Opportunities
Art jobs vary massively click for more info